Visit Winchester > Walks & trails around Bishop’s Waltham

Walks & trails around Bishop’s Waltham

Winchester College
Winchester College

With a foot in the South Downs National Park and located at the mid point of a long-established route between Winchester and Portsmouth, Bishop’s Waltham has long been appreciated as a place to stop and relax. Bishop’s Waltham boasts a particularly beautiful rural setting with nearby countryside that is very accessible to visitors.

Rolling countryside trails, heritage trails and nature walks allow you to explore Bishop’s Waltham’s undulating landscapes, local nature reserves, meadows and woodlands. Why not start exploring with one of the following:

Bishop’s Waltham heritage walk– A four mile walk taking in the history of Bishop’s Waltham Palace and following part of the Pilgrim’s Trail.

Bishops’s Waltham country walk – A five mile walk encompassing the spectacular countryside that surrounds Bishop’s Waltham.

Bishop’s Waltham nature walk – A three mile walk starting in Bishop’s Waltham centre and explores a local nature reserve.

If you fancy a slightly longer journey why not discover the Pilgrim’s Trail, a 155 mile trail medieval route from the shrine of St Swithun at Winchester Cathedral to St Michael in Normandy. Weave across the landscape through Bishop’s Waltham and Southwick to Portsmouth. Following in the footsteps of the Miquelots, pilgrims who made the long journey to worship in Normandy.

Bishop's Waltham Palace

Bishop’s Waltham Palace

Discover more of Bishop’s Waltham

Discover some of the great local shops in Bishop’s Waltham here. Whether you’re looking to refresh your wardrobe or satisfy your sweet tooth Bishop’s Waltham is the place to go.