Visit Winchester > Our roadmap to reopening

Our roadmap to reopening


Six people or two households are now able to meet outside. Some outdoor activities will also be reopening so you can take part in organised sport outside – take a look at your local facility for more information.

The Stay at Home rule ended on the 29 March but many restrictions remain in place. You can find the full guidance for the national restrictions on the government website.

Non essential retail and outdoor hospitality reopened on the 12 April (, so please continue to support our local businesses. Many of our eateries are still offering takeaways so you can still enjoy a taste of Winchester.

If you are in the Winchester district and enjoying our outdoor spaces, please make sure you avoid busy areas and Respect, Protect and Enjoy our beautiful countryside. Please also continue to follow government advice – there are three simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other:

  • Wash hands
  • Cover face
  • Make space

As before Visit Winchester is here for you virtually – so for now you can enjoy our city and its surrounding countryside from the comfort of your own home.

Let us be your virtual travelling buddy, providing you with inspirational stories of our local heroes – past and present; offering educational ideas for those families isolating to help keep the kids entertained and educated; and embarking on virtual tours of museums, art galleries and hidden gems – the perfect getaway for a self-isolator.

Stay connected by following ‘King Alf’s’ Visit Winchester social media accounts so we can share stories of our city and district. If you have the option to postpone and rebook, we will still be here to offer you our warm Winchester welcome you once it is safe to do so.

We thank you for your understanding and support in these uncertain times. Our thoughts are with those in our community and beyond who are affected by COVID-19.

To stay up to date with UK Government advice on coronavirus visit:

See the latest NHS guidance on coronavirus for the current situation in the UK and abroad

Last updated: 14 April 2021.