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Explore Jane Austen’s House at home

Winchester College
Winchester College

The team at the Jane Austen House has made it possible to explore the new additions to their collection from the comfort of your home.A hand fan close up

Take a look at the Jane Austen House website and see some short videos exploring their new collection pieces which include a portrait miniature of Mary Pearson – the woman said to have inspired the character of Lydia Bennet in Pride and Prejudice; a series of miniatures of Austen family friends, the Digweeds; and a modern handmade fan depicting Mr Darcy (looking very much like Colin Firth!).

The short video snippets give us a chance to see these windows into Jane Austen’s life while the House is closed to the public due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Click here to view the collection.

Jane Austen’s House in Chawton, Hampshire, is the house where Jane Austen lived and wrote. It is the most treasured Austen site in the world. It was here that Jane’s genius flourished and where she wrote, revised and had published all her major works: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.

When it is safe to visit again as trip to Jane Austen’s House Museum is a must. The museum holds an important collection of objects associated with Jane Austen, including letters written by Jane and personal effects belonging to her and her family. Particular highlights include her jewellery, first editions of her books, textiles and her writing table which visitors can stand behind. Freely explore Jane’s home and beautiful cottage garden whilst learning about her life through exhibitions and displays. Hands-on activities for all ages can be found alongside in-depth information panels and family objects, housed in the rooms that Jane would have known.