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World Bee Day

Winchester College
Winchester College

Happy World Bee Day!

Bees are so important to us all as the predominant pollinators of our fruit, vegetables and crops, but also as the sole producers of the breakfast essential – honey. So let’s celebrate create a buzz for bees on the 20 May for a sweet World Bee Day.

Have you tried the honey made right here in Winchester? Mrs B’s Bees have 200 hives throughout Hampshire, Surrey and Sussex producing delicious honey.

A strong colony can produce two to three times more honey than they need to survive, and the family team at Mrs B’s Bees only harvest the surplus honey not needed by the colony – this could be around 25lbs (11kg) surplus from one hive.

Mrs B’s Bees choose their hive locations carefully – whether it’s a wildflower meadow, chestnut woodland, orchards or Lime Avenue – and as the honey is individually harvested for each apiary the location of honey is added to the label, so customers can enjoy honey truly local to them.

Do you have a beeswax wrap for your sandwiches? Mrs B’s Bees make theirs from their own beeswax – and they are beautifully designed. Beeswax wraps are reusable and made from 100% natural ingredients – a much more sustainable alternative to plastic and cling film to keep your food fresh. Take a look here. 

Watch the demo of how to wrap your beeswax wrap here.

When you are able to visit Winchester again be sure to pop into the visitor information centre and grab a jar of Mrs B’s Bees honey – it is delicious and a perfect souvenir of your visit (even if you live five minutes up the road).

Mrs B's Bees - Honey

For the time being, why not take part in the World Bee Count and see how many busy bees you can spot in your garden.

Fun bee facts to read while you enjoy your honey and lemon tea or honey on toast: