Industry & trade
Over Winchester Gilbert Yates Photography 1 of 1

Visitor Economy

As well as attracting visitors to Winchester district, Winchester City Council work closely with local tourism and hospitality businesses to offer tailored support and guidance through a variety of channels. Whether you are a visitor attraction, a restaurant, hotel or conference space, we can offer assistance, leadership, promotion and networking.

The best way to get the most out of our support is to join our partnership and marketing programme, where you will receive bespoke promotion and advertising. Our main aims are to raise awareness of the Winchester district and generate additional tourism visits and spend.

More on visitor economy 

848x512 Cathedral

Partnership & Marketing programme

Our Partnership & Marketing Programme offers businesses across the district the chance to work more closely with the Visit Winchester team to shape and grow the local visitor economy.

PR & Media

Winchester is a quintessentially English city boasting a rich heritage, picturesque landscapes, and a vibrant community.

Press and media enquiries should be directed to

To stay up to date with Visit Winchester news, please sign up to receive our business newsletter.

More on PR & Media



Winchester is increasingly becoming a hot spot for producers and directors worldwide, both on the small and big screen. Winchester district has everything from stunning architecture to rolling countryside and vast open spaces – setting the perfect scene for any romance or thriller.

We welcome filmmakers and production companies to make the most of the district’s beautiful scenery and historic elegance for film and television. We can connect filmmakers and locations, advise on local expertise and signpost additional support.

More on filming

Zealous Media Studio


Winchester hosts a multitude of festivals throughout the year that inspire, intrigue and enchant thousands of visitors every year ensuring there’s always something to look forward to. Immerse yourself in Winchester’s festival scene and you’ll find the city it at its vibrant best – showcasing an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colourful events.

Winchester is proud to host a range of events every year, from small community events through to large scale festivals, we offer support and guidance to organisers to ensure your event is safe, successful and well attended! To discover more about how we can help you with your event in Winchester district, visit our festivals page.

More on festivals

Ibiza Orchestra

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