Visit Winchester > COVID-19 update on easing of restrictions

COVID-19 update on easing of restrictions


New guidance (Monday 19 July)

We have now moved to Step 4 of the Government’s roadmap. While we enter the final stage of the Government’s roadmap, we’re all urged to take sensible precautions to prevent the spread of infection, and we’re asked to respect individual businesses and the rules they have chosen to keep in place.

Here is a little more detail around what these changes will mean for you:


Mandatory mask wearing has been removed. However, if you find yourself in a crowded space, or indoor and in close contact with people wearing a mask is advised. The Government urges individuals to exercise their own personal judgement if and when they wear a mask. While masks are no longer mandatory, some businesses might still ask you to wear a mask or face covering and you may still be asked to wear a mask while visiting some places in the Winchester district.


There are now no restrictions on social contact, and the one metre plus rule has been removed. However, as with mask wearing, individual businesses and organisations may still ask you to respect some social distancing measures in certain circumstances.

Welcome back to the Winchester district


As you can see from the video our district is unspoilt, so please help us to keep it this way. We urge visitors to “Respect, Protect and Enjoy” when visiting Winchester, its surrounding countryside and market towns. This can be done by treating your destination as how you would like to find it. Help to keep our beautiful district clean and please take your litter home with you.

‘Know before you go’ – plan your trip

To make it easier for you we strongly advise that you plan ahead and check directly with any relevant attraction/eatery/accommodation provider or venue before making plans to visit. It could be that an attraction is only offering pre-booked tickets, a hotel may have a new check-in process or a restaurant is only taking card payments. Things may be different to normal and could take a little longer – but while you are waiting take time to sit back and enjoy the views of Winchester.

If you are feeling ill before your visit please do not travel. If you feel unwell on holiday you must immediately order a test and inform your accommodation provider.

We're good to go green logo

For up to date national guidance please see:

UK Government website
NHS coronavirus webpages

‘We’re good to go’ – looking after you

Many of our  hospitality and tourism businesses across the Winchester district are excited to be able to welcome you back. Tourism businesses have been working hard to ensure that you feel reassured and at ease whilst making sure you have plenty of fun and will be adopting Visit England’s industry standard mark ‘We’re good to go’.

The new mark is a way of supporting tourism businesses and providing reassurance to you by letting you know which businesses have made necessary changes to their day-to-day workings, including social distancing measures and staff training. So look out for the accreditation when planning your visit – it is given to businesses that are able to demonstrate adhering to Government and public health guidelines, have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and have the necessary processes in place.

If you are a regular visitor to Winchester’s attractions, a fan of our local dining experiences, or have stayed with one of our accommodation providers before, there may be some different processes in place compared to previous visits.

Visitors and staff in the square at cafes

(c) Robin Creative

Tourism businesses looking for guidance please refer to our pages for local businesses.

Hands, Face, Space, Fresh air

Hands, Face, Space, Fresh air